As a Accredited Social Worker and Gestalt Supervisor, I have 20 years of counselling experience. I’ve supported people from all walks of life in many different settings and I’m always moved by the capacity and drive of the people I support to step into their power and forge a new path for themselves and/or their family, regardless of their background. Supporting people to tap into their inner wisdom, trust and power is my ‘why’ - THIS is why I do this work in the world.
Whether you’re -
Navigating conflict with family,
Feeling a sense of disconnection from yourself,
Struggling to build and maintain relationships,
Experiencing difficulties in your relationship with your partner,
Navigating challenging dynamics with friends or colleagues,
Experiencing grief or loss,
Struggling to find purpose and meaning in your life,
Needing a safe space to talk through traumatic experiences…
I am here to support you.
We often lack safe places to talk openly about how hard life can be. Perhaps you don’t feel safe enough to share vulnerably with your partner, family or friends about what’s going on in your world. Or maybe you have shared, and they’re not willing to listen, or they’re not able to offer you the support and holding you deeply desire. Perhaps the difficulties you’re experiencing are directly related to your partner/family/friends, and you’re yearning for an impartial, non-judgemental ear to listen to you with compassion and spaciousness. Maybe you’re looking for new ways of relating to yourself or others, and you’re willing to explore new ways of processing your experiences.
Counselling offers you a safe space to share what’s in your heart without the need for filters or explanations.
People often share stories with me in counselling sessions they’ve never shared with anyone else.
There’s a sense of freedom in the safe container of counselling, where we feel liberated to say what we really want to say.
When the person holding space for us doesn’t know the people we’re talking about or have a vested interest in the outcome, we are free to speak from our heart.
There is a beautiful quote from Parker Palmer that really speaks to this:
"The human soul does not want to be advised or fixed or saved. It simply wants to be witnessed - to be seen, heard and companied exactly as it is."
So consider that permission to show up to counselling sessions with me exactly as you are. I am not here to fix you, because you’re not broken.
I am here to hold space for your thoughts and feelings. I am here to support you to gain more clarity and self awareness. And if you’re yearning for new ways of relating and processing your experiences, we can explore this together too.
I believe our experience of relating to ourselves and to others in adulthood is deeply connected to the way we were related to in childhood, and that themes present in our life before adulthood (including our own childhood themes) continue to show up in our present life - sometimes in helpful ways and sometimes in not-so-helpful ways.
The rollercoaster of experiences in adulthood (being in intimate relationships, parenting children, engaging in paid employment, maintaining a household, losing people we love, experiencing conflict within families, navigating financial difficulties, experiencing relationship breakdowns, struggling to find our purpose and meaning in life,) can often uncover these patterns from our younger years.
We're invited to lean in, get curious and explore how themes from the past might be impacting our current health and wellbeing, our relationship to self and our relationship to others.
Please note - all sessions are available online via a secure video call.
Cancellation & rescheduling policy-
Cancellations & rescheduling within 24hrs of a session (& no-shows) incur a 50% fee. As a working Mum relying on paid care for my child, I appreciate your understanding in relation to this.
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